Tuesday, June 10, 2008

27 dresses, 1 good thing

So I decided to take a break from studying tonight and watch a movie (I seem to be doing that a lot lately). I finally settled on 27 Dresses. Despite the insipid characterisation and formulaic plot, I did find myself enjoying Katherine Heigl's performance, which surprised me since I never thought of her as much of an actress. (I didn't enjoy Knocked Up, I dislike her silly character on Grey's Anatomy and I never got into Roswell.) She has an undeniable charm that radiates through her cliché of a character, Jane, and manages to throw herself fully into the role without overplaying it. Despite being a walking stereotype, Jane was easy to empathise with: surely everyone has played second fiddle to someone else at some point in their life. I'm not going to bother picking on the bad things about the movie (i.e. everything else), but it was a pleasant enough distraction to make me not regret wasting 2 hours I could've used studying... I hope.

One more thing - Heigl's character Jane said something that I thought was so true, early in the movie: (paraphrased) "Some things in life are not easy, but cynicism always is." It's too easy for me to fall into the trap of cynicism, and in my pessimistic mood I tend to limit myself, both in what I can do and what I think I deserve. Optimism is hard work, and I really admire those friends of mine with eternally sunny dispositions. With me, I'm always far too sedate to brighten any room (unless I've been drinking, that is).

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