Monday, June 9, 2008

about the blog

Well I started this because I need a way to stay in touch with people in Melbourne, and a place to post pictures while I'm away in Oslo. Facebook, you say? I know, but now and then I feel like inane chatter directed against no one in particular, and a blog is perfect for that. Besides, I don't want to discriminate against friends who refuse to get Facebook accounts...

I tried to be creative with the web address without being too obvious. Rejected entries include:
- key concepts (yawn)
- key points (double yawn)
- master key (very wanky)
- low key, off key (not the right idea)
- ... and so on.

I decided on "keyed up" because it's pretty much how I feel about the trip - excited with just the slight apprehension. Time will tell if it's a stupid decision or not.

As for "hedgehog's dilemma" - The explanation is on the sidebar. It's a psych concept, which I think reflects very aptly my personality and my issues with intimacy.

1 comment:

Paul said...

But your name is emil what does that have to do with 'key'. I liked low-key.

As for the name, its good to remember somethings are worth the pain.